User based Personality RP Wikia

To anyone who may be reading this and wondering what the hell is in the history, I'm going to explain it all.

I'm PierrotEclipse, now known as makishi or harunai.

I was twelve. Twelve and dumb.

Five years later, I look back at my old pages and wonder what on God's name I was thinking.

Any page that I have created/worked on will have its content replaced with this message and locked.

However, because I believe in preserving history, I will not delete the pages. Feel free to mock them as you wish - I've grown past them and no longer wish to see them.

I'm seventeen now, turning 18 in a month and I've decided it's time for these pages to be closed up for good. I'll see you all later. The little girl I used to be has been left long behind.

